So. First blog. It's a bit awkward, like a first date - not sure where to start or what to say, for the first bit, until you get into it. Or how many secrets to give away in the first sitting ;) So I'll just go for it.
Anyone reading this will probably know me, but I'm hoping it maybe spreads. So, for anyone who has no idea who I am, here's a little insight.
I'm Jen, recently turned 21, from Scotland. Studying Primary Education at Dundee Uni, big bad 4th year.
My weight has fluctuated since I can remember, but it's never bothered me until now.
There's a photo of me, 9 years old, on a beach in Florida, and you can see my ribs I'm so skinny.
Cut to me aged 12 in first year of high school, and I'm a wee round puddin'. A happy puddin', but a puddin' aw the same.
I'm not really sure when it dropped off. I just remember starting to get noticed around the time of 5th/6th year. I started wearing mini skirts to school and got rid of my curtains haircut though mind you, so I don't think the weight loss was the entire reason... but it was definitely a part of it.
Living the student life of fucked-up body clock hours, insane drinking and takeaways/ ready meals has definitely taken it's toll now and this is my effort to get my weight, image, life and confidence back to where it should and used to be.
This blog will take you through my journey to better health and a better image, and I'll be providing any tips and recipes I find along the way.
I have recently joined a club called Slimming World and it is working wonders. The information I get from them mixed in with some common sense and anything I pick up for myself along the way will be exactly what I write about here - if you like what you read then I can only recommend you join a class, it's definitely the most effective and enjoyable diet I've ever been on.
However, if you're stingy like I would normally be (;P) then follow these guidelines and you won't go wrong.
Most of it is totally simple and straightforward so I'm hoping that if you're in the same position as me and want to lose a few pounds for whatever reason, you'll subscribe and keep reading to change your life for the better.
Introductions over, now comes the interesting part!
Ciao x
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