So, I've been too busy with uni stuff the last few weeks to even think about procrastinating on here. I guess I have some catching up to do.
As much as I'm on here every week blabbering on about how easy it is to change your ways with food habits etc, I have been finding it particularly difficult the last fortnight... and I've only been doing this for 4 or 5 weeks.
Everybody goes through ruts, some more than others, and some will have greater effects. It all depends on how you handle it. There have been so many occasions in the last 2 weeks where I have been ready to just give up on the whole shebang and start getting used to overweight me.
One night I actually got quite drunk and ended up stopping in ASDA for my own body weight in munchies. And you know what? I didn't feel any better after it. I didn't get the satisfaction of eating chocolate and crisps and other things that I thought I would. I actually, to be honest, felt quite sick. And not entirely because I had just munched my way through about 800 calories (I'm guessing, while trying not to think about it..). I thought about all the hard work I had done until then, and the food just didn't make me feel any better because I genuinly felt like I had scuppered anything I had achieved in the last couple of weeks.
It's worth having a think before you cave. It's easier said than done, but you'll know that feeling after the first time you do it. Chances are you'll only feel worse, even though you think you'll feel better getting what you want.
It's definitely good to treat yourself every few days, but in small quantities - a bar of chocolate here, packet of crisps there. This way you won't feel like you're on a diet, and wont get the urge to eat your body weight in sugar in one sitting. This is definitely a major key to success in losing weight.
But if you do find yourself pigging out one night, it is SO important that you don't think "aw well, that's me blown it, might as well carry on". Have your fun, and get back on track. We can't be sticking to it all the time, as there will always be opportunities to drink more than we plan to, eat more than we should do. The idea is to have your fun, don't feel guilty about it, and then get back on track. If you think you've blown it and continue to overeat, THAT'S where the damage is done. It's ok to have a night off. It's definitely ok to have fun. But it's not ok to overdo it for days, weeks or even months afterwards.
Ideally, if you know you have a meal or night out planned that week, the best thing you can do is work around it. Be the best you can be every day except that one. Eat good food - plenty of fruit, veg, rice, pasta, dried noodles, lean meat, eggs and very low fat dairy products. Snack on these foods too. Do around 20 minutes of exercise a day, even if it just a walk round to the shop. Just cut down your intake of sugary fatty goods, and you'll find that that one night that could have scuppered your whole losing weight streak has had little or no effect to your system.
So far I'm still on only 6lbs lost. I'm a little disappointed, but like I said, I haven't done myself justice the last few weeks. This week I have been back on track, eating well, trying out new recipes, and not snacking so much. I haven't done as much exercising as I would have liked, and maybe that will reflect in the scales on Monday. But I personally feel that, even if it turns out I have yet again gained or stayed the same this week, I have resisted so many temptations that I would otherwise have gone for. If, for example, it turns out I am still the same weight having lost nothing even after trying hard, it's easy to pick me up by thinking what I could have gained.
The jist of tonight's blog is that everybody has off days. Everybody has days where they think 'what's the point?'. Everybody will have days where they just wan't to give up. But to keep trying will get you the results you want to see. If you didn't want to see them you would never have tried in the first place. Don't be hard on yourself - it's difficult to change habits that might have been natural to you for years.
To sum up:
Thanks for reading folks. This has been quite a long blog so I'll put up recipes and things either tomorrow or Tuesday. I have lots of nice things to show you.
Leave me a comment and let me know how you're doing.
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Ciao x
Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods
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