Thursday 30 May 2013

Just Checking In.

Nearly a year has passed, and what a year it's been.

Yup, I'm at the 20lb mark, and also my halfway point. So. Chuffed.

It's taken me a while to get here, and I often wish I'd been more strict with myself - maybe I could have looked like this a year ago. Then I think about me, personally. This really hasn't been a struggle. I've never starved myself, or hugely deprived myself of anything. Sure, 9 times out of 10 I've wanted a takeaway or that bar of chocolate and I've told myself I didn't need it, but generally I've kept most little luxuries in my life, just on a smaller scale. I've rarely let myself crave anything, I haven't killed myself at the gym every night and I haven't put a halt on my social life. Just plodded along - it's been a slow journey but it's worth it to still get to where you wanted to be and not have sacrificed my happiness in the process.

I started my weight-loss journey a year and a half ago, and because the weight loss has been so gradual I haven't really noticed it. Until I found an old picture from New Years Eve going into 2012.

Nothing like a good old-fashioned 'then and now' pic to make you feel gid, ae?

About 3 months ago I took a whole heap of clothes up to my dad's house because they were too small for me, but only by a size so I wanted to keep them. Today I sifted through the clothes I have in my flat and collected a pile which are too big. That pile is getting swapped with the pile currently at my dad's. That's a damn good feeling.

20lbs down and 20lbs to go. It's been a long journey but it's been worth it. Holiday in 7 weeks... I'll be looking like a supermodel in no time ;)


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